We are almost ready to release the latest version of Online Zoo Builder. Here are the current changes that have been added to the live game for you to try:
-Added billboard (scenery)
-Added table (scenery)
-Added bench (scenery)
-Changed research building management. You can now use the research building to unlock bonuses at level 10. You can get double money, extra zoo tokens, mow the lawn and clean paths less perk, and produce extra food. In-game money required to obtain and takes a week to research (requires over a million dollars in-game money currently).
-Added missions, click the paw print on the left hand side to get started! Missions are updated every hour and provide rewards when completed.
-Updated the mower to move faster. Hitting 2 flowers will result with a loss, and maps are randomly generated
-Added images and animations for lawn and clean up mini game
-Fixed scene bug which would cause the game to crash after switching scenes
-Redid tutorial from scratch due to game engine upgrade and several changes to basic features. Tutorial is more extensive than before
-Fixed bugs with lawnmower and clean path mini-games
-Added orientation check to the game. If you try to play the game in portrait mode, it will direct you to rotate your phone to landscape
-Zoo size was limited. Player can pay to unlock the additional size
-Improved how timers work in game
-Added full screen button
-Fixed bug when a building would produce money, it would corrupt the money value
-Made the game play in real time, now when you come back to the game, your zoo will produce money, produce litter, and grow grass while you are gone
-Improved guest AI.
-If a guest enters a building, their state is saved in the building
-Guests will not enter a building until it is finished being placed and built
-Guests will enter a building if it is positioned next to a path
-Guests are now more likely to travel paths they haven’t been before
-Improved park rating system
-Fixed daily reward. It now works properly
We are currently working on improving the website side of the game and creating a downloadable version. Let us know what you think ☺️
NOTICE: All games have been reset and all accounts will be deleted this week. You need to create a new account if you are unable to login due to major changes with the account system.